Does Covid Cause Hair Loss?

Covid-19, also known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), is an epidemic caused by a virus. Covid-19 originated in Wuhan, China, in 2019 and quickly spread all over the world. Covid-19 is a disease transmitted especially by the respiratory tract and may have symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, and weakness. In severe cases, it can cause respiratory failure and even death. For more information about the Covid-19 outbreak, you can obtain information from health institutions and official sources.

During the Covid-19 (coronavirus) epidemic, there is a possibility that a problem such as hair loss may occur. This may be associated with factors such as stress and health problems. Hair loss is not directly related to Covid-19. Hair loss can be seen more frequently during stressful conditions that occur in the body. During the Covid-19 epidemic, the level of stress experienced by people may increase, and this may cause hair loss. Health problems related to Covid-19 may also cause hair loss. For example, some people may experience symptoms such as extreme weakness, weight loss, and fatigue during the course of Covid-19. These symptoms can cause hair loss.

Hair loss is not only related to Covid 19, but the causes of hair loss are very diverse, and the reasons why people experience hair loss during the Covid-19 outbreak may vary. For this reason, a person with a hair loss problem should go to the doctor and investigate the cause. The doctor can determine the cause of hair loss and recommend an appropriate treatment method for the person.

My Hair Is Shedding Have I Got Covid-19?

Hair is born in a cycle in the body, grows, and finally, after waiting at rest, it is shed from the body over time. This life cycle of hair continues actively throughout the person’s life. People lose approximately 70 – 150 strands of hair per day, and these hairs are produced and replaced by the body. If daily hair loss is more than 100 – 150, this problem should be taken under control. The person should follow too much hair loss; if this problem continues continuously, hair thinning and volume loss may occur. For this, people should go to the doctor and get treatment for this problem.

Many people who have had the Covid-19 virus also experience hair loss after the disease. However, hair loss is not counted among the symptoms of Covid-19. Therefore, it is completely wrong for people with hair loss to be concerned about the Covid-19 virus. In other words, it is quite wrong for people with hair loss to go to the hospital for a Covid-19 test.

Does Hair Loss Happen After Having Covid-19?

The effects of this virus continue for a long time, even after you become Covid-19 and after the virus leaves your body. Although the effects of the virus on your body continue for a long time, various symptoms can be seen in your body over time.

Hair loss is among the most common dermatological problems seen in patients who have had Covid-19 and have recovered. It is estimated that 1 in 5 people who have been hospitalized and recovered due to Covid-19 may have a hair loss problem. It is estimated that patients with a milder Covid-19 problem may also have hair loss problems, and there is no clear information about this issue. Depending on the Covid-19 virus, hair loss may occur after approximately 8-12 weeks. Hair loss problem is seen from time to time, even in people with no Covid-19 symptoms. Therefore, it is not known exactly which of the people who have Covid-19 will experience hair loss.

When Will My Hair Be Back to Normal After Covid-19?

Hair loss in people who have had Covid-19 is usually a temporary condition. Hair loss that develops after Covid-19 is generally temporary, but these hairs are expected to be replaced over time.

If people have recovered well after Covid-19, are fed adequately, and are not stressed, the body usually produces new hair, and new hair replaces the lost hair over time. Since hair growth takes place in an average of 4 months during this period, the growth will be slow, and the patient will feel their hair without the volume for a while. In general, the hair problem will return to normal within 4 months. Of course, this situation differs from person to person, but you can get the most accurate information from your doctor.

What Should I Consume for Hair Renewal After Covid-19?

The COVID-19 virus is a major source of stress for everyone. People with Covid-19 and those who are afraid of being put under a great deal of stress by worrying about this issue. Unfortunately, serious problems may occur from time to time in many people who have suffered from the Covid-19 disease. Depression, anxiety, psychological stress, psychological disorders, and mental problems may continue even after the disease has healed, especially in people with severe illnesses. People who have had Covid-19 and have not been able to get over the bad effects of the disease cause hair loss as stress continues. It is very important for these people to get psychological support for their recovery in a short time.

Nutritional habits play an important role in hair growth. Hair follicles develop and grow faster in an environment rich in protein and iron. In addition, biotin, zinc, and vitamin D are the vitamins nourishing the hair. Therefore, it is very important for people who have had Covid-19 and those who have not yet overcome the psychology of Covid-19 to prefer foods rich in protein. We can list the foods below as examples of these foods.

  • – avocado
  • – Egg
  • – Sea products
  • – Yogurt
  • – Red meat
  • – White meat
  • – Spinach

In healthy people, these foods generally meet their protein needs. If you think that these products do not meet your protein needs, you can search for protein-rich products on the internet and consume them. However, people with rapid hair loss should definitely see a doctor. Thus, it can significantly prevent hair loss by using drugs and supplements recommended by the doctor.

What are the Precautions to Be Taken Against Hair Loss After Covid-19?

Hair loss is a condition that occurs as a result of increasing the speed of the natural destruction process of one’s hair. This condition can occur for many different reasons and is sometimes preventable. However, in some cases, it is not possible to prevent hair loss. We have listed some of the measures you can take to prevent your hair from falling out after suffering from Covid-19.

  • • Healthy Nutrition: It is important for your body to receive the necessary nutrients in order for your hair to be healthy and strong. Especially; Take care to get enough nutrients such as protein, iron, folic acid, and B vitamins for your hair to be healthy. When you consume these foods regularly, you can prevent your hair from falling out.
  • • Reduce Stress: Stress can cause hair loss. Stress-reducing techniques can help reduce hair loss. For example, You can try yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques. You can find detailed information about these techniques on the internet.
  • • Hair Care: Proper care of your hair can help reduce hair loss. Do not comb your hair regularly, and do not use combs often. In addition, take care to shampoo your hair several times a week and dry your hair properly. Use by paying attention to the quality of the shampoo you use while washing your hair. Otherwise, the shampoos you use can cause dandruff in your hair.
NOTE: All the information given in this article has been written as a result of general research, and you can learn the most accurate information from your doctor.