Non-Shaven FUE Hair Transplant

Hair loss can be a frustrating and confidence-damaging experience for many people, but with advancements in hair transplantation techniques, there are now several options available to help restore hair growth. One popular method is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant, which has been further improved with the development of non-shaven FUE hair transplant.

What is Non-Shaven FUE Hair Transplant?

In a traditional FUE hair transplant, a strip of hair is removed from the back of the head to be transplanted to the thinning or balding areas. This often requires shaving the entire head, which can be a concern for some patients. In a non-shaven FUE hair transplant, however, only a small area of hair is trimmed, rather than the entire head being shaved. This allows the patient to maintain their current hairstyle while undergoing the transplant procedure.

Advantages of Non-Shaven FUE Hair Transplant

  • Discretion: One of the main advantages of a non-shaven FUE hair transplant is that it is a less noticeable procedure. With only a small area of hair trimmed, patients can maintain their normal hairstyle and keep the procedure more private.
  • Less Downtime: Another benefit of the non-shaven FUE hair transplant is that there is less downtime. With only a small area trimmed, patients can return to work and other normal activities much faster than with a traditional FUE transplant.
  • Reduced Pain and Scarring: As only a small area of hair is trimmed, there is also less pain and scarring compared to a traditional FUE transplant. This is because the removal of the strip of hair from the back of the head is what causes the most discomfort and scarring in a traditional FUE transplant.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Non-shaven FUE hair transplant also provides a more natural-looking result. With only a small area trimmed, there is less disruption to the hair and it is easier for the transplanted hair to blend in with the surrounding hair.

The Procedure

The non-shaven FUE hair transplant procedure is similar to a traditional FUE transplant, with a few key differences. During the procedure, a small area of hair is trimmed, rather than the entire head being shaved. The hair follicles are then removed one by one using a special tool and are transplanted to the thinning or balding areas.

After the procedure, the transplanted hair will start to grow within a few months and will continue to grow for the rest of the patient’s life. Most patients see a significant improvement in their hair growth within a year of the procedure.


Non-shaven FUE hair transplant is a less noticeable and less invasive alternative to a traditional FUE hair transplant. With the ability to maintain a normal hairstyle, reduced downtime, and less pain and scarring, this method is becoming a popular choice for those seeking to restore their hair growth. If you’re considering a hair transplant, talk to a doctor to see if a non-shaven FUE hair transplant is right for you.