Rejected Hair Implants

What Is Hair Transplantation?


Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution for hair loss problems. The process of implanting healthy hair follicles to areas where the hair follicle is no longer active by microsurgical methods is called hair transplantation. The patient’s healthy hair is invested in the spilled area in hair transplantation.


For Whom Is Hair Transplantation Applied?


Hair transplantation can be performed on people whose hair appears thinning or shedding due to genetic reasons, hormonal problems, stress, environmental factors, and accidents. If one wants to have a hair transplant operation, one must have enough grafts to make the transplantation perfect. People with hereditary baldness can also have hair transplantation.


What Are Famous Hair Transplant Methods?


Even though many hair transplants have been found thanks to technological developments, FUE and DHI methods are still the most used methods applied by hair transplant clinics or hospitals. Both hair transplantation methods must implant the hair follicles taken from the donor area to the thinning or bald site. These methods are separated from each other with slight differences in the application. Let’s get details with the information below:


  • FUE Hair Transplant


To explain the FUE method, which is the most used method among hair transplantation applications, we may say that the hair follicles are taken from the donor area with a particular medical device, and these follicles are kept in hyposol or isotonic liquid and then transferred to the target area one by one. Hair transplantation with the FUE method can consist of one or more sessions.


  • DHI Hair Transplant


In the DHI method, which is the second most used method among hair transplantation methods, hair follicles taken from the donor area are transferred to the target area with a Choi implanter. The FUE method’s advantage is that the hair follicles’ waiting time is short, and there is no need for hair shaving for the application. For this reason, hair transplantation with the DHI method is also known as “unshaven hair transplantation.”


rejected-hair-implantsWhat Are The Things To Consider For Hair Transplantation?


  • Firstly, you should decide on the hair transplantation method suitable for you after the examination and after your doctor’s recommendations. Hair transplantation is an application that will be done once and will permanently change your physical appearance for many years. Regardless of your choice of hair transplantation method, the operation’s success is achieved by the doctor who performs the hair transplantation and the recovery process after the application. You can read some articles on this subject and get further information.


  • Hair transplantation is one of the methods used when people experience hair loss. This method is vital, especially in men, since the hair that sheds after a certain age does not grow back. A combination of many factors also causes hair loss. Age is one of them, but it is also possible to encounter hair loss early. Many factors, such as genetic condition, lifestyle, and the intensity of use of hairstyling (cream, spray, gel, mousse, etc.), can cause your hair to fall out. People who encounter such situations first prefer anti-spill products. However, if no results are obtained from these methods, they apply to the necessary points for hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is performed not only for men but also for women. Because some genetic and hormonal conditions can cause thinning of hair in women, in this case, women can also get support from hair transplant centers. However, men are more dominant than women in this regard.


  • One of today’s favorite applications, hair transplantation, should not be looked at only with an aesthetic focus. The person performing the procedure must have the expertise to serve a healthy practice.


  • No matter how advanced the techniques are, experts must plan the procedures in terms of health, aesthetics, and personalized. Although lush and healthy hair is an area of ​​interest for both women and men, hair transplantation comes to the rescue of men, but it is of great importance that experts perform this procedure in terms of aesthetics and health. While it is impossible to compensate for the mistakes made in hair transplantation, healthy and natural hair can be obtained with suitable applications.


  • Those who want to have a hair transplant operation should first pay attention to the fact that at least 70 percent of the hair in the area they want to be transplanted is shed. Because planting in hairy areas negatively affects the success of hair transplantation. On the other hand, the person who decides to have a hair transplant should reduce or stop using alcohol and cigarettes before transplanting. If the person is using blood thinners, s/he should stop it one week before consulting his doctor.


  • You can see that there are many types of hair transplantation operations. However, all these techniques have to be planned individually. The hair root area and baldness area vary from person to person. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from the logic of formal planting for everyone. A technique specific to the hair should be chosen, particularly the hair structure and the person’s expectations.


  • Each person has a different face shape and head structure. For this reason, the front hairline should be designed according to these points. Natural-looking hair transplantation is the essential procedure that determines the operation’s success. Hair design should be personalized since the head structure differs from person to person. Age, gender, facial features, etc., are also crucial for the front hairline design. The hairline design should be done together with the patient.


  • The post-planting process is essential for the success of the planting. There are special care and washing lotions and some medicines that the patient needs to use within ten days. These processes must be strictly followed. The patient should be careful not to receive any blow to the head during this period. In addition, in this process, it is recommended to sleep with a neck collar or a unique pillow that grips the neck for five days so that the hair follicles are not damaged by rubbing against the pillow. After the 10-day process, the crusts begin to fall off gradually. After this period, the person can quickly return to his everyday life, but the prescribed shampoo and care lotions should not be neglected during this process. PRP application at the end of one month is of great importance. PRP is renewing and repairing the scalp using one’s blood. A small amount of blood taken from the patient is centrifuged. This process separates the blood drawn into its components. A particular vaccination is made for the person who had a hair transplant. The obtained PRP is injected into the skin with the help of a fine-tipped needle during the operation. The operation takes place within half an hour. With PRP treatment, the thinned and weakened hair follicles in the applied area are repaired, and it ensures that the new hair to grow is healthier and more robust. Hair starts to grow in 3 months on average, and this process is completed in 10 months.


What Causes Failed Hair Transplant?


Five main reasons are causing unsuccessful or failed hair transplants. It is possible to explain these factors as follows;

  • Inexperienced Doctor

 FUE or DHI hair transplantation method is a meticulous process that requires patience. Mastering this technique takes time, and getting quality service is very important for any patient. Inexperienced doctors may not correctly place the hair graft during transplantation. However, graft placement is one of the essential stages of hair transplant surgery and plays a critical role in the final appearance of the hair. Experienced doctors know how to effectively use the right donor site for hair transplantation. But inexperienced doctors tend to make mistakes, such as choosing the wrong donor site. Hair taken from the nape area alone or other body parts gives a natural look. Misuse of hair follicles taken from different donor areas is unacceptable. As a result, experience is a significant factor in such operations.

For this reason, you should consider this experience when looking for an FUE or DHI hair transplant. Do not risk the hair transplant center being a trial and error board. You can evaluate how many years your doctor has planted and patient reviews.

  • Inadequate Postoperative Care

 You were taking good care of yourself after hair transplantation is as important as the procedure itself. Your doctor will provide you with instructions and a comprehensive list of transplant site care days to weeks after surgery. It is observed that some patients have excessive crusting on the scalp. Scratching and improper cleaning of this area may prevent hair follicles from adhering to the transplanted area. You may encounter an infection due to poor hygiene in some other cases. For this reason, you should follow your doctor’s instructions and recommendations carefully to avoid post-surgical problems. It is essential to be in constant communication with your doctor.

  • Not Being a Suitable Candidate for Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a beautiful life-changing procedure for many, but remember that it should only be done for suitable candidates. Before surgery, the doctor needs to evaluate the person’s genetics and health status and discuss postoperative and postoperative issues. During the examination, the doctor will make various assessments, analyze future hair loss, assess hair type, and determine the cause of hair loss. These factors help you decide whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Sometimes, hair loss is not enough to have a hair transplant surgery. So it may not be ready for operation yet. Otherwise, if the hair is not transplanted at the right stage, it may look strange before and after the hair transplant. On the other hand, if you do not have enough donor hair to perform the hair transplant procedure, you should probably consider other options. The results will be terrible if the donor area is weak and insufficient. Because when hair follicle units are removed from the donor area, those hair follicles do not grow in that area. If very few hair follicles can be removed from the neck, the scalp on the neck may remain extremely thin after surgery. Another factor that can affect the success/failure of hair transplantation is the leading cause of hair loss. Your doctor will evaluate this during the test to determine the actual cause of hair loss.

  • Dishonest Hair Transplantation Center

Unfortunately, people working in the medical field are not always good and honest, as in every profession. Like examining a doctor’s experience, you should also investigate a hair transplant center for reliability. After all, you want to move forward with a good hair transplant, not with your money. You can only get a good result when a hair transplant center doesn’t care about your money giving you happiness, health, and lots of satisfying results. A suitable FUE flocking doctor and team will openly address your concerns and wishes. Hair transplant tests require a doctor and team you can trust and talk to rather than someone who makes little effort to contact.

Centers that prioritize fraudulent commercial interests stand out for numbers rather than quality. They promote by saying that they are transplanting high graft counts. It should not be a problem if the flock’s person does not collect the correct number of grafts. Of course, you cannot count the grafts one by one. Then you may not get enough information about the number of grafts. Therefore, the reputation of doctors and clinics and the evaluation of patients are essential. Despite the high hair transplant prices, you do not want to waste your money or be deprived of the possibility of successful hair transplant results.

  • Misunderstanding About The Process

What we’re talking about here isn’t a failure. Hair transplant surgery is the first step, and a long process awaits people post-hair transplant. Some people declare that the operation is unsuccessful before the procedure is completed and do not give the hair a chance to grow. It may take more than 12 months to get the first result, and in some cases, you may feel impatient or question the result. Of course, you want to see the results as soon as possible. You can avoid misunderstandings by discussing what hair transplant results should be expected during pre-operative treatment with your doctor or patient representative.

Last But Not Least

If you want to avoid “rejected hair implants,” it will be in your best interest to consider all the information mentioned above. Failed hair transplantation can be avoided with sound research and analysis. If you keep all these issues in mind, you will not have to worry about failures in hair transplantation.




Hair transplant can be rejected?

Yes, Five main reasons are causing unsuccessful or failed hair transplants. Inexperienced Doctor, Inadequate Postoperative Care, Not Being a Suitable Candidate for Hair Transplantation, Dishonest Hair Transplantation Center, Misunderstanding About The Process

How to avoid rejected hair implants?

Check your suitability for hair transplantation, choose the right hair transplant clinic and follow the aftercare process.

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